Art Portfolio Tutoring
I am MJ, and experienced art portfolio tutor based in New York City, and Korea. Prior to commencing classes, a mandatory 40-minute initial interview is conducted. During the interview, we will discuss your artistic aspirations, current skill set, and objectives. This session serves as a crucial evaluation to determine the alignment of my expertise with your artistic goals.
Initial interview / 첫 회 상담 (40mins) - only available for the first-timer
$50 / 75,000 Won
Initial interview timeslot (It will be updated every day at 10:00AM .EST) : link
Regular Class
1:1 Remote (주 2회/ 3회 선택)
Mon - Fri : 10:00~13:00 (EST 20:00~00:00)
Sat 08:00~ 13:00 / 21:00~00:00 (EST 18:00~23:00/ 7:00~10:00)
Sun 08:00~ 13:00 / 21:00~00:00 (EST 18:00~23:00/ 7:00~10:00)
In-person (New York City only, 주 2회/3회 선택)
New York
Mon - Thur 19:00~23:00 (select 3h)
Sat 16:00~ 20:00 (select 3h)
Sun 09:00~2:00 / 16:00~ 20:00 (select 3h)
Please reach me out through Contact Page Email if you have any inquiry regarding to this service.
Email me ( with the title
“첫회 상담문의_XXX(이름)” or “Initial Interview_Your Name” and please fill out the information below :
1. Your Information: What is your major? What is your preferred Language(Korean/ English)? To what school you’ve attended before?
2. Portfolio Type : Transfer Portfolio / Undergraduate Portfolio / Graduate Portfolio / Job Portfolio
3. Schools : Which schools you want to apply for?
4. Availabile Time Slots: Please check the time slot for the Initial Interview(첫회상담) and please write down at least two desired slots.