The Igneous Gable
YAC Competition: Extinction Museum
Year: 2023 Spring
Location: Astroni Crater, Italy
Type: Museum
Teamwork: Myungju Ko, Seonggeun Hur
Phenomenal expansion of human society and the invention of new technologies has nourished our life and achieved luminous progression. However, our neighbor, nature, had to tolerate our expansion with silent patience, and the consequence was extinction of nearly 70% of natural species around the world.
The Extinction Museum is an interactive space, providing a room for nature to express their critical situation, and for humans to retrospect the vanished species throughout the journey of chronological natural singularities and to comprehend responsibilities for the species that need to be protected.
With an understanding of the anthropogenic history and the diversified flora and fauna species of the Astroni Crater, our project focused on the fundamental form, structure, and material of the building and chronological experience throughout different architectural elements.

Quisque vitae ornare tellus, scelerisque
Phasellus laoreet vestibulum felis
To serve our extinction museum as a medium of dialog between human and nature, we to carefully positioned various architectural elements for visitors to experience the extinction of past and present. Gable roof has been gently reshaped to match the nature’s undulated form from the flat lakeside to the hillside. This formal gesture pushes the visitors to start their experience from the underground level along the promenade that leads them unconsciously to the ground level.

01. Gradient-patterned Light Scope
02. Basalt Panel + Insulation
03. Exposed Wood beam
04. Wooden Louver with Window
05. ADA Accessible Granite Ramp
06. Exposed Wood Column and Metal Beam
07. Solid Wood wall Panel with Insulation
08. Exposed Granite Wall with Rough Finish
From the beginning of your visit, you will be taken on a journey through time as you enter the promenade. This rough yet controlled vertical tunnel cuts through the earth and emerges to the ground level, moving forward toward present as you ascend further. The narrow slope also plays with the human senses, manipulating light from a condensed and dark tunnel and finally exposing the episodic experience of entering the final exhibition surrounded by full of natural light and lush organisms at the Lago Grande.